Friday, December 23, 2005

How much treason is too much?

Another leak makes its way to the press. I keep hearing over and over that the leakers should be caught and prosecuted. Fine. Done. Check.

However, isn't there any culpability for a press that repeatedly puts in print the details of classified material? I mean, fine, these leakers "spoke to U.S. News because of their concerns about the legality of the program". However, U.S. News is not a body to decide whether or not the program is illegal. And they are in no way supposed to be privy to classified information. U.S. News - and every other journalistic entity that receives these leaks - should be obligated to go to the proper authorities with the reports, not to make them public. Not to mention the fact that having concerns about the legality of something does not make it illegal.

On the RCP blog, their entry makes the point that the legal question should have been settled in private. But they miss the point that U.S. News and its reporters should be hauled in and tried for treason for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Isn't that what divulging information about classified material essentially is?
posted by Dennis at 1:46 PM (permalink)


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